Client Case Study | Civitas Learning


Industry: EdTech (Higher Ed)

Location: Austin, Texas

Funding: $63.9 million

Building a Brand Narrative through Powerful Video Content

For higher education institutions, one of the most important success metrics is graduation rates. Civitas Learning offers software that helps colleges improve graduation rates and student outcomes by using data and communication tools to improve student persistence at key points along their journey.

The company first came to Dreamtown as a newly funded startup working on building a narrative around the features and benefits of their software suite. The in-house marketing team felt their audience would respond most enthusiastically to video content and engaged us to help build out this marketing channel.

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Animated Explainer Videos

Civitas was a pioneer in its space, which made it challenging at first for customers to conceptualize the software’s use cases and benefits. Dreamtown worked hand-in-hand with Civitas’s marketing team to clarify the company’s vision for each product and create succinct, inspiring animated explainer videos that defined their sales messaging, drove engagement on the Civitas website, and helped close deals.

Video Case Studies

Understanding one of the most powerful sales tools for university administrators is social proof, Civitas engaged Dreamtown to produce a video case study showing customer success. Along with a Civitas representative, we visited the participating university to capture highlights of campus life and interview key stakeholders on camera, including students, administrators, and faculty. We then edited the footage into a short, inspiring video that demonstrated how the software was helping colleges do more with their data.

Video Testimonials

Each year, Civitas hosts a multi-day learning summit in Austin, Texas - during which many of their customers come together to learn about education trends and how Civitas’s offering can help them improve student outcomes. Dreamtown has been a consistent fixture at the summit for several years, capturing event footage as well as powerful interviews with Civitas customers and editing it into evergreen video assets for Civitas’s social media and sales efforts.

Software Overview Tutorial Videos

For each software in the Civitas product suite, Dreamtown produced a UI tutorial to help prospective customers understand the product’s features and help new customers get started using the product. These videos are used both as support and sales tools.

Product Update Videos

As the products evolve, Civitas has continued to work with Dreamtown to produce video content explaining how to use and benefit from new features of the software. We recently shot and edited a video starring Civitas product managers detailing the newest updates with UI overlays to show the features in action.

Results: Civitas Grows into an EdTech Powerhouse

Since the early days with Dreamtown, Civitas has grown into a well-established name in the edtech field, and we are proud to have played a role in helping the company clarify and present their brand narrative in a way that resonated with their audience.

“When our marketing team first added video to our strategy mix we were a small operation. I can't imagine how overwhelming that first meeting must have been! We were a young startup with a big vision and lots of challenges and opportunities. We needed to lean on Dreamtown not only for production but also strategy. Brent understood exactly what we needed and how to make it happen. Only two years later, our company has grown 5X ... Dreamtown still gets our vision, our voice, our timelines, the value that video adds to our business, and the joy we get out of doing high-quality, creative work.”

~ Andi Narvaez, Director of Growth Marketing, Civitas Learning

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